Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Calling all those in New York City!!! Don't pass up the opportunity to attend the national release of the film, Music From the Inside Out. The premiere of this documentary is this coming Friday, September 9th, at the Cinema Village. You can get more info (including the films preview trailer, read comments from people throughout the country in the "forum" section, and read about the making of film itself) at the films web-site: Music From the Inside Out.

As for myself, while at Aspen this summer, I had the opportunity (along with the rest of my Fellow colleagues) to see a special viewing of this film. Much thanks goes out to Don Liuzzi, Coordinating Producer of this film, as well as Principal Timpanist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, for being so generous to set-up this special viewing. This was one of the highlights of my summer out in Aspen!

This documentary was created in part to show the general public why musicians do what they do. This in turn demonstrates why musicians are so passionate about their art-form. The first question the film opens with -- "what is music?" -- is never really answered. To me, that's the beauty of this documentary. The audience receives numerous descriptions from a variety of Philadelphia Orchestra musicians about why they are playing music, why they are in orchestras, and (a few times) what their other hobbies are -- but not a single person can articulate the answer to what music is.

The potential for this film is tremendous. I believe it reaches out to concert-goers across the board, helping the viewer (a new potential concert-goer?) to understand why musicians sit on stage each weekend and perform concerts for audiences. As a musician myself, I can whole-heartedly relate with each musician who spoke on the screen. Music creates a drive within me that is completely unexplainable -- whether it be playing my flute, accompanying on piano, or listening backstage to an orchestra concert. There's a power and a passion there that no one has successfully articulated yet -- it can only be felt. And as a part of management, I can also relate whole-heartedly with each musician -- this film solidifies the fact that I want to be an integral behind-the-scenes part of my work to allow musicians the freedom to do what they do best.

Additionally, this film could potentially be a very unique and impacting educational tool for students of all ages. So many times we see students shy away from music during school years, simply because "it's not cool." This film doesn't make music any more or any less "cool," yet it shows students the reality of the power of music -- as described above. And -- more importantly -- this film has a universal appeal in that is shows all different kinds of music has this drive, not just classical music. I believe that in using this film with the right teaching materials (I believe Don said he was developing these), school's will be able to instill a respect and understanding (if not also a curiosity to play an instrument) in all students -- this education in all students is vital to the longevity of success in orchestras.

Thus, I ask -- what are you doing Friday night??? Go check out the film -- and take a friend!! Then post your comments on the web-site. I guarantee that you (and your friend) will be entertained.